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We encourage and expect all members to help our art society be successful.  Please choose one or more committees and help your fellow artists!

PWAS Committee List

Hospitality Committee - Help plan and bring refreshments to our meetings or events.

Events Committee - Plan and set up for PWAS events and art shows.

Planning Committee - Chart the future course for our art society.

Publicity Committee - Help to get PWAS mentioned in local publications.

Social Media Committee - Help get the good word out.  

Membership Committee - Manage and increase our membership.

Gallery Committee - Help locate and manage our next longer-term space.

Finance Committee - Work with our treasurer to take care of the $$.

Grants Committee - Write applications to apply for grants from the county or other organizations.

Programs Committee - Help find and schedule interesting speakers.

Scholarship Committee - Coordinate and select worthy graduating art students for PWAS scholarships.

Workshops & Classes - Plan, promote and teach art classes.

Committee Registration

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